You have several options to opt out of email, SMS and direct mail communications with Tovala.
You can unsubscribe from specific email lists at any time by selecting the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email in that list.
You may also unsubscribe from all marketing emails & SMS communications by emailing with request to unsubscribe. Please note it may take up to 3 days for us to process your request to unsubscribe.
You can unsubscribe from texts at any time by responding STOP to any text from Tovala.
You may also unsubscribe from all marketing emails & SMS communications by emailing with request to unsubscribe. Please note it may take up to 3 days for us to process your request to unsubscribe.
Direct Mail
You can unsubscribe from direct mail at any time by emailing with this request. You must include your mailing address to unsubscribe from the direct mail list. Please note it may take up to 3 days for us to process your request to unsubscribe.